From your dashboard:
- In the menu on the left, click on “Ongoing”, then "Missions".
- Check for the name of your consultant in the list for which you want to complete the timesheet and click on the linked mission.
- Scroll down to the timesheet section and click on "Complete timesheet" in regards with the month you need to complete.
- A new page will open. As you can see, for each day of the month, you are able to complete the timesheet by describing your task and entering your worked hours. You can also enter new expenses by adding a description, the amount and uploading a file.
- click on "Fast completion": it will pre-fill the number of hours (4 or 8 hours) for every day of the month
- click on "Timesheet options": you can choose to check the "Extended hours" and/or "Standby" boxes. Please note that submitting a timesheet with expenses and standby can ONLY be done after the client's approval. Otherwise, you may face a refusal.
- Once your timesheet is completed, click on "Save and submit" on the upper right corner.
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